Spiritual Gifts: Episode 3
Bath Bombs
large bowls
plastic spoons (per child)
small bowls (1 for every 2 kids)
food coloring
baking soda (1 cup)
citric acid powder (1 cup) (check the canning aisle; this may also be called sour salt)
cornstarch (½ cup)
canola oil (½ cup)
lavender essential oil (a few drops for every 8 kids)
measuring cups
construction paper
wax paper
Whisk the dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
Add the canola oil and a few drops of essential oil to the dry mixture a little bit at a time, stirring as you add it.
Divide the mixture evenly among four small bowls.
Add a few drops of food coloring to each bowl, then stir it in. (Use whatever colors you want!)
Mold some of the mixtures into a ball about the size of a golf ball. (Each child will make one ball.)
Set the ball on wax paper to dry.
Use construction paper and markers to make and decorate a fun, encouraging tag to send with your bath bomb.